Cypress’ principals have previously been qualified as experts in mergers and acquisitions, valuation issues and bankruptcy matters and have performed expert analysis in related areas including damages and retrospective transaction analysis. Cypress will build databases where appropriate to support the experience of its testifying expert. Subjects upon which Cypress is qualified to provide testimony include:

  • Securities and financing-related issues
  • Merger and acquisition process and procedures
  • Leveraged acquisitions and other situations involving debt
  • Retrospective transaction analyses
  • Valuation
  • Contract disputes
  • Interpretation of representations and warranties
  • Litigation over due diligence and projections
  • Plan of Reorganization feasibility
  • Other Chapter 11 matters including sales of assets, liquidation, valuation analysis, contested motions and Plans of Reorganization
  • Other topics relating to investment banking

In addition to expert witness work, and if requested, Cypress will assist counsel in framing discovery requests, analyze materials produced in discovery not directly related to an expert report and develop questions for both the opposing expert as well as for fact witnesses. Cypress has also played a central role in the settlement of a number of substantial litigations.
